Prophetic Word for 2012
Prophetic Word for 2012
by Dennis See
You are coming into a season of great turmoil and unrest in this earth, but to those who know and understand the season, it will be joyous because you know why it must be!
I am giving you new eyes to see in this next season.
For 6 months it will be like it has been, but then all will take an abrupt change. You will see shaking all over the earth. All creation will begin to cry out for my return. I am telling you and warning you to know Me in this hour and understand my ways.
I have spoken much to ears that have not heard. You who have ears to hear, you will understand what I am saying.
I have told you of things coming but you have laughed and said; Where ? When ? How? I am telling you, “do not mock, for I am God and am telling you look up!”
Many have been discouraged and questioning everything in this last season. Many have been afraid. Many are numb and don’t care and are just existing. I am going to lead you to the ones who are ready to move forward with My Kingdom and My plans.
There are many out there who are disillusioned with the religious systems that they have been apart of and the things of this world. I am going to send you into their lives to give them hope and pull them from the pit of despair. I am even going to use you to bring them out just as Moses did and deliver them from the Egyptian system.
I have asked you if you are ready for this. You have said yes, but then you do nothing and wait and say I have not told you what to do. I am telling you what to do! Look for those who are ripe and ready to be picked and brought into My Kingdom. They are all around you.
Let go of the hard hearted and questioning ones who waste your and My time. They will not change and have made their decisions as to who and what they will follow and serve. They question everything and cause much confusion in my beloved’s mind and heart. I will deal with these ones. You are to let them go and move on. I have told you there are those who are always hearing but never hearing. Move on from them.
I am bringing you to a new crop and a new field that is ready for harvest. Look again and see what I am saying. The fields are white unto harvest! Many just need to know there is a different way and that this is how it will be.
You will even bring ones out of man made religious systems and go against what has been said is right and wrong. Many have said this is the right way of doing things, but I tell you it’s the wrong way. Wrong is right and right is wrong. I will give you understanding and I will show you who is ready to come out.
You must repent of a man pleasing spirit and choose to please only Me. I will never leave you or forsake you.
What I am asking you to do, is going to begin to awaken My church, My bride, My beloved!
Just as they tried to even run my own Son from town, they will speak like this of you. Never forget My ways are not your ways. I will deliver you and give you favor. Your ways will become My ways. I am asking you to rise up out of the things of this world and what you think is right and listen to what I am saying is right. Then do what I am saying and see the results I told you would happen, happen!
You haven’t seen anything like what I am about to do in the earth. You have been praying and asking; now I want you to see it in the spirit and believe! Only believe!
I told you great faith is needed to go where I am asking you to go. I am requiring you to come out of your hiding places and comfort zones and stand up and become a voice to the nations. Warrior Bride Arise!
Yes I have called this house to be a voice to the nations! Many will come looking for direction and help. I am telling you, you will give it out, of My Kingdom, by faith. Some money, some words of encouragement, some loving them to restoration. I have called this house, a house of deliverance and a company of prophets for not just here, but for the nations.
It will not be like you suppose, but it will be like I say. I am calling you to instant obedience! It will have to bypass your carnal minds. When you do this you will see kingdom results that will upset and shake many because they think they have the answers, but you know I am the one who has them.
Many will be upset because you know how to release the answers and provision from my Kingdom and they want this revelation and power.
I am going to show you how to release and receive the things you need from the Kingdom realm. I have already given you access to this realm through My Son Jesus, now come in and get the things you need and start walking in them!
Start releasing it and giving it to those I show you!
You are going to see what you’ve been believing for! The very things I have spoken to you about. When you ask according to my will it is done. See it and believe it!
Don’t worry about the world and what they are saying about my coming. They do not know! They love to keep fear and turmoil running rampant so they can accomplish their agendas. What they don’t know is I am using them for My plans and My purposes and I will be glorified in the end!
It will all be turned on them. I laugh at their derisions for My Kingdom and My ways. They have set themselves up as gods in this world, I tell you there is only one God and One Lord. Never forget this! They know nothing!
I will begin a new work in Pa in the coming days. Many have looked and questioned what you are doing, but I will show Myself to you and this nation, that the seed is still alive! That the remnant is rising and that my true seed will not compromise!
I am calling for a radical turn around in what you see and what you believe that I have said. Do not be afraid of their faces. I am calling you to a deeper understanding of the prophetic and Spirit realm. You must come into this place in the next season.
Pennsylvania WAKE UP! RISE UP! GET UP! Stop making excuses!
I have had a plan from the beginning of this nation, for you! It is no accident you were born or planted here.
Get ready for the season of harvest and the changing of the guard. I am raising up a new generation of leaders who will be feared and reverenced with a holy respect because they know Me! They will know I am in their lives working and speaking through them!
Get ready for I will use you all across this state to prophesy things that will shake even you as they come out of your mouth.
There is much I need to say and I need you to open your mouths and let Me speak through you. My word will not return void.
Be very careful what you speak in this next season.
This is the year of “My Government” come to earth!
Many, who have been prepared to lead, will rise in this hour. I will cause great favor to shine upon those I’ve called to lead. They will know my voice, not lose heart, and believe when everyone tells them it can’t be. Watch and see the upsets and the miracles I will do.
Remember this is the year of “My Government” come to earth!
Prepare yourself by coming to the secret place and hearing My Spirit. I am going to speak only to those who will come into this place. Many will think I have left, but I tell you I have called and those who have ears to hear, they know My voice. These listen and obey and these are the ones who will see My hand move in their midst.
I will not be mocked for I am jealous over my beloved bride!
by Dennis See
You are coming into a season of great turmoil and unrest in this earth, but to those who know and understand the season, it will be joyous because you know why it must be!
I am giving you new eyes to see in this next season.
For 6 months it will be like it has been, but then all will take an abrupt change. You will see shaking all over the earth. All creation will begin to cry out for my return. I am telling you and warning you to know Me in this hour and understand my ways.
I have spoken much to ears that have not heard. You who have ears to hear, you will understand what I am saying.
I have told you of things coming but you have laughed and said; Where ? When ? How? I am telling you, “do not mock, for I am God and am telling you look up!”
Many have been discouraged and questioning everything in this last season. Many have been afraid. Many are numb and don’t care and are just existing. I am going to lead you to the ones who are ready to move forward with My Kingdom and My plans.
There are many out there who are disillusioned with the religious systems that they have been apart of and the things of this world. I am going to send you into their lives to give them hope and pull them from the pit of despair. I am even going to use you to bring them out just as Moses did and deliver them from the Egyptian system.
I have asked you if you are ready for this. You have said yes, but then you do nothing and wait and say I have not told you what to do. I am telling you what to do! Look for those who are ripe and ready to be picked and brought into My Kingdom. They are all around you.
Let go of the hard hearted and questioning ones who waste your and My time. They will not change and have made their decisions as to who and what they will follow and serve. They question everything and cause much confusion in my beloved’s mind and heart. I will deal with these ones. You are to let them go and move on. I have told you there are those who are always hearing but never hearing. Move on from them.
I am bringing you to a new crop and a new field that is ready for harvest. Look again and see what I am saying. The fields are white unto harvest! Many just need to know there is a different way and that this is how it will be.
You will even bring ones out of man made religious systems and go against what has been said is right and wrong. Many have said this is the right way of doing things, but I tell you it’s the wrong way. Wrong is right and right is wrong. I will give you understanding and I will show you who is ready to come out.
You must repent of a man pleasing spirit and choose to please only Me. I will never leave you or forsake you.
What I am asking you to do, is going to begin to awaken My church, My bride, My beloved!
Just as they tried to even run my own Son from town, they will speak like this of you. Never forget My ways are not your ways. I will deliver you and give you favor. Your ways will become My ways. I am asking you to rise up out of the things of this world and what you think is right and listen to what I am saying is right. Then do what I am saying and see the results I told you would happen, happen!
You haven’t seen anything like what I am about to do in the earth. You have been praying and asking; now I want you to see it in the spirit and believe! Only believe!
I told you great faith is needed to go where I am asking you to go. I am requiring you to come out of your hiding places and comfort zones and stand up and become a voice to the nations. Warrior Bride Arise!
Yes I have called this house to be a voice to the nations! Many will come looking for direction and help. I am telling you, you will give it out, of My Kingdom, by faith. Some money, some words of encouragement, some loving them to restoration. I have called this house, a house of deliverance and a company of prophets for not just here, but for the nations.
It will not be like you suppose, but it will be like I say. I am calling you to instant obedience! It will have to bypass your carnal minds. When you do this you will see kingdom results that will upset and shake many because they think they have the answers, but you know I am the one who has them.
Many will be upset because you know how to release the answers and provision from my Kingdom and they want this revelation and power.
I am going to show you how to release and receive the things you need from the Kingdom realm. I have already given you access to this realm through My Son Jesus, now come in and get the things you need and start walking in them!
Start releasing it and giving it to those I show you!
You are going to see what you’ve been believing for! The very things I have spoken to you about. When you ask according to my will it is done. See it and believe it!
Don’t worry about the world and what they are saying about my coming. They do not know! They love to keep fear and turmoil running rampant so they can accomplish their agendas. What they don’t know is I am using them for My plans and My purposes and I will be glorified in the end!
It will all be turned on them. I laugh at their derisions for My Kingdom and My ways. They have set themselves up as gods in this world, I tell you there is only one God and One Lord. Never forget this! They know nothing!
I will begin a new work in Pa in the coming days. Many have looked and questioned what you are doing, but I will show Myself to you and this nation, that the seed is still alive! That the remnant is rising and that my true seed will not compromise!
I am calling for a radical turn around in what you see and what you believe that I have said. Do not be afraid of their faces. I am calling you to a deeper understanding of the prophetic and Spirit realm. You must come into this place in the next season.
Pennsylvania WAKE UP! RISE UP! GET UP! Stop making excuses!
I have had a plan from the beginning of this nation, for you! It is no accident you were born or planted here.
Get ready for the season of harvest and the changing of the guard. I am raising up a new generation of leaders who will be feared and reverenced with a holy respect because they know Me! They will know I am in their lives working and speaking through them!
Get ready for I will use you all across this state to prophesy things that will shake even you as they come out of your mouth.
There is much I need to say and I need you to open your mouths and let Me speak through you. My word will not return void.
Be very careful what you speak in this next season.
This is the year of “My Government” come to earth!
Many, who have been prepared to lead, will rise in this hour. I will cause great favor to shine upon those I’ve called to lead. They will know my voice, not lose heart, and believe when everyone tells them it can’t be. Watch and see the upsets and the miracles I will do.
Remember this is the year of “My Government” come to earth!
Prepare yourself by coming to the secret place and hearing My Spirit. I am going to speak only to those who will come into this place. Many will think I have left, but I tell you I have called and those who have ears to hear, they know My voice. These listen and obey and these are the ones who will see My hand move in their midst.
I will not be mocked for I am jealous over my beloved bride!