Directory of many houses of prayer worldwide
A movement of prayer and worship has been sweeping the globe. Here is how you can get involved: |
Since the founding of the International House of Prayer in Kansas City, MO and the 24-7 Prayer movement in England in September of 1999, houses of prayer, prayer furnaces, 24-7 prayer communities, etc. have sprung up around the world.
At The Altar IHOP we have been praying for these houses of prayer since October of 2007. As a result, we have come into connection with a large number of them via email, Facebook, and personal visits. After our first major IHOP trip in 2011 we founded a website directory of the HOPs that we know of. The listing is currently at over 660, which truly represents a drop in the bucket of what is actually happening! The website is: Please take a look at it and use it to connect with houses of prayer everywhere! |