Articles and Teachings
What is Prayer?
Author: D. See
Prayer is nothing more than communicating with God. When you communicate it goes both ways. One big mistake we make when we pray is that we talk to God and give Him our list of wants, needs, and desires and even tell Him to fix all our problems, but we never take the time to listen to what He has to say. That’s right; God wants to speak to you! Some people try to say that God doesn’t speak anymore, but that’s not true. He wants to talk to His beloved more than anything. He really wants to answer you and He even does care about the little things in your life. We just don’t take the time to wait on Him for the answers. The bible says He speaks in a still small voice. This is like our conscience or the inward witness we sometimes have.
Say you were about to do something wrong. Inside you hear or have the feeling you shouldn’t do what you are about to do; that is your conscience or better your spirit man telling you not to do it. Once you become born-again that is where the Holy Spirit dwells and if you listen to your spirit He will keep you out of allot of trouble. The key is you must listen.
So, when you pray or talk with God you need to learn to listen as well as let Him know your problems and situations. Wait for Him to respond to what you’ve asked Him. You might just be surprised as He actually speaks to you. This is prayer.
(According to Larry Lea) “Prayer is also agreeing with God’s will” or His word
(1 John 5:14-15). He says that" immature faith tries to manipulate God; mature faith seeks to move under the banner of Gods will". This is the same as praying His word back to Him and putting Him in remembrance of the promises He has given us to live by and refusing to move until you see the answer.
There are also other kinds of prayer like; intercession, petitions, supplications, thanksgiving, agreement, prayer of faith, etc.
Intercession is where you pray and stand in the gap for someone else like Moses did in Exodus 32:11-14, 30-34.
Petition is a formal request to the Lord or pleading with the Lord. This is a lot like Intercession.
Supplication is earnest, urgent, humble petitions. This too is a form of intercession. Praying on behalf of someone or for a specific need. It can also be for you.
Thanksgiving is even a form of prayer. When we ask the Father for something, we need to thank Him as if we already have it. This is also very similar to the Prayer of Faith (Mark 11: 23-26.) The bible says without faith it is impossible to please God and that every one of us has been given a measure of faith. When you pray the prayer of faith you ask believing you have it before you actually see it. You have to receive it by faith in your heart or see it with the eyes of your spirit.
Prayer of Agreement is when you agree with someone for a specific need. This is a very powerful form of prayer. In Matthew18:19 this scripture says “if two or more of you agree as touching anything it will be done.”
So you see prayer is a lot more than what we think it is. This is only a tiny little bit on the subject. To learn more you need to ask God to begin to teach you by His Holy Spirit what prayer is and dig into the Word of God, (the Bible), and find out for yourself.
Author: D. See
Prayer is nothing more than communicating with God. When you communicate it goes both ways. One big mistake we make when we pray is that we talk to God and give Him our list of wants, needs, and desires and even tell Him to fix all our problems, but we never take the time to listen to what He has to say. That’s right; God wants to speak to you! Some people try to say that God doesn’t speak anymore, but that’s not true. He wants to talk to His beloved more than anything. He really wants to answer you and He even does care about the little things in your life. We just don’t take the time to wait on Him for the answers. The bible says He speaks in a still small voice. This is like our conscience or the inward witness we sometimes have.
Say you were about to do something wrong. Inside you hear or have the feeling you shouldn’t do what you are about to do; that is your conscience or better your spirit man telling you not to do it. Once you become born-again that is where the Holy Spirit dwells and if you listen to your spirit He will keep you out of allot of trouble. The key is you must listen.
So, when you pray or talk with God you need to learn to listen as well as let Him know your problems and situations. Wait for Him to respond to what you’ve asked Him. You might just be surprised as He actually speaks to you. This is prayer.
(According to Larry Lea) “Prayer is also agreeing with God’s will” or His word
(1 John 5:14-15). He says that" immature faith tries to manipulate God; mature faith seeks to move under the banner of Gods will". This is the same as praying His word back to Him and putting Him in remembrance of the promises He has given us to live by and refusing to move until you see the answer.
There are also other kinds of prayer like; intercession, petitions, supplications, thanksgiving, agreement, prayer of faith, etc.
Intercession is where you pray and stand in the gap for someone else like Moses did in Exodus 32:11-14, 30-34.
Petition is a formal request to the Lord or pleading with the Lord. This is a lot like Intercession.
Supplication is earnest, urgent, humble petitions. This too is a form of intercession. Praying on behalf of someone or for a specific need. It can also be for you.
Thanksgiving is even a form of prayer. When we ask the Father for something, we need to thank Him as if we already have it. This is also very similar to the Prayer of Faith (Mark 11: 23-26.) The bible says without faith it is impossible to please God and that every one of us has been given a measure of faith. When you pray the prayer of faith you ask believing you have it before you actually see it. You have to receive it by faith in your heart or see it with the eyes of your spirit.
Prayer of Agreement is when you agree with someone for a specific need. This is a very powerful form of prayer. In Matthew18:19 this scripture says “if two or more of you agree as touching anything it will be done.”
So you see prayer is a lot more than what we think it is. This is only a tiny little bit on the subject. To learn more you need to ask God to begin to teach you by His Holy Spirit what prayer is and dig into the Word of God, (the Bible), and find out for yourself.